Friday, October 2, 2009

Home for 1 Year!

Yesturday, together with our families, we celebrated Madelyn's homecoming. Yep, it's been a whole year that Madelyn has been at home. I remember that day like it was yesturday. The feelings still overwhelms me at this moment. I still cry at the thought that God has allowed Carl and I to take home our precious child. And I grieve for those families that are unable to take home their CDH baby.

As we celebrated, the family that I have mentioned in a previous entry. Nathan and Crystal Rahul, are preparing to bury their presious baby boy Mason. Please keep this family in your prayers.


  1. What a wonderful celebration!! Congrats on being home for a whole year :)

  2. Cute picture. She is very pretty. BTW.. my new site is

    ~ Eva
