I took Madelyn to the Public Health office today since I no longer have a baby scale at home. She has gained nine ounces in two weeks! Woot, woot! High fives all around. Madelyn had not been eating for almost a month. So two weeks ago, I took her in to get a weight she was 16pds and 1oz. I noticed yesturday that she seemed heavy as I was putting her to bed. Today her weight is 16pds 10oz. I don't really know how she is gaining the weight. She refusses to eat anything off of a spoon. Oral Aversion has reared it's ugly head yet again. Just when you think it's gone, or that Madelyn has gotten over it, it's there again.
So this is a typical meal time for her. I give her anything soft and bite sized, bread, cheese, cut up fruit, veggies, etc. She is really good at picking it up, just not getting it in her mouth. When she is done most of the food is in the pocket of her bib or on the chair. But it's important to make mealtime fun, so I don't force anything. Her caloric intake is still mostly super high concentrated formula, 1.1 cal/cc. And tonight her last feeding she took 6oz. Not bad since she has never taken more than 5 oz. before.
Most average babies take an 8oz bottle at about six to eight weeks. Madelyn is not eight months old. Hmmmm, slow and steady wins the race!?