Monday, April 27, 2009

Guess Who's Sitting!

That right you guessed it, Madelyn!

Well I guess who else would it be. Just in the last four days Madelyn was getting so much better and today she didn't loose her balance everytime she lead over to pick up a toy. I am so happy to see progress because I know the physiotherapist was so concerned that she was now up to her age in the gross motor skill area.

On another note, Madelyn got her first tooth poking through on Friday. It's so cute, and razor sharp. More are on the way, as today was not a good day for her. I actually put her in the car and went for a drive to get her to fall asleep this afternoon. I just didn't know what else to do.

Here's to hoping tomorrow is a better day for my sweetheart.


1 comment:

  1. That's awesome news Karen! Way to go Madelyn!

    Although... I was almost positive it was Carl who was finally sitting on his own!
